Wednesday, January 25, 2017

A Word on Wednesday: Sum

The Latin sum (rhymes with room) translates to "I am." 
Sum is "a state of being." 

This is not to be confused as a verb such as

Today --
I am writing.
I am eating healthy foods.
I am loving my family.
I am packing for a family trip.
I am having a romantic dinner.
I am taking a walk.
I am enjoying the view from here.
I am grateful for this day

I am. 

Regardless of if you are a mother, father, sister, brother, writer, accountant, teacher, child, black, white, rebulican, democrate, christian, muslim, greek, swimmer, runner, or any other affiliation or designation. Sum is simple entire.

I am. 
That is all. 

A complete sentence.
A complete thought. 


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